The Sacrificial Sports Mom: March 2010

For “sports Moms” with very busy schedules, who find it tough to make time for themselves, The Sacrificial Sports Mom promises to help busy, overloaded moms find time for nutrition, fitness and overall well-being by sharing healthy quick recipes, time management tools and fitness programs handpicked for busy moms.

TSSM is backed by the first-hand experience of a crazy busy “sports Mom” to address the need for some sanity in an on-the-go world. We understand the sacrifices that “sports moms” make for their children on a daily basis and strive to make the lives of “sports moms” a little easier.

Monday, March 8, 2010

They are growing too fast!

You always hear parents say how fast kids grow and how it happens in an instant. Well it really is true. I can't believe Denton is almost 10 months old and Riley is going to be four next month! Amazing!

Denton is starting to cruise. He does the side step thing along the couch and a few other pieces of furniture. Otherwise he just tries to try to pull himself up on everything! It is quite comical to see him try to do it on a flat wall where there is nothing to grab onto. He waves and claps (making noise now) and loves to give big open mouth, tongue out, kisses. He still says "dada" mostly and will only say "mama" when he is crying in his crib to get out or is really mad. I try to get him to say "mama" and he responds with "dada", little stinker.

Riley is growing like a weed. She is one tall girl. We have a situation with her pants. The 4t size pants are almost too short on her but the size 5t pants are too big in the waist since she is so skinny. This girl has legs for days. She obviously gets the height from her grandparents, definitely not from Dan or I.

She says the funniest things. Today on our way home from school she told me that during circle time at school she really wanted to have a donut. She then said "so my brain said, Riley I want a donut, so I said, ok brain that is a good idea". HA

She is so adorable with her brother and is always trying to help me. One of my most favorite moments of my day is when I am driving them to or from school/daycare and I look in the review mirror and see them holding hands and laughing with each other. He is just enamored with her and his face lights up at the sight of her. Riley is very good at getting him to laugh and smile when he is sick of being in his car seat. Such a good big sister!!
This past weekend we got to spend time with the Cozens at Zain's 5th birthday party. We don't get to see them very often since they live in Orange County. We had a great time at the party and Riley enjoyed the bouncy house and slide and cotton candy machine and great party games. It is always nice to catch up with old friends and watch our kids play together.

Check out the cute pics from Zain's sports themed birthday party!

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Circus is in town!!

So on Friday night we made a last minute decision to go see Circus Vargas which had just rolled into town. And by last minute, I mean less than an hour before show time. The show started at 7:30 and we got tickets from Dan's phone while out to dinner.

The show was really entertaining and quite funny! We had a great time. Riley was pretty disappointed that there were no elephants, tigers and lions, but she had a great time laughing at all of the silly clown tricks. Poor Denton fell asleep halfway thru but kept waking up for all of the loud parts. The show didn't end until 10pm! I think that is the latest Denton has ever stayed up (well in and out of sleep), not including newborn days that is.

Sorry for the blurry pics, but there was no time to grab the camera so these are from Dan's cell phone.