The Sacrificial Sports Mom: Guess who's back?

For “sports Moms” with very busy schedules, who find it tough to make time for themselves, The Sacrificial Sports Mom promises to help busy, overloaded moms find time for nutrition, fitness and overall well-being by sharing healthy quick recipes, time management tools and fitness programs handpicked for busy moms.

TSSM is backed by the first-hand experience of a crazy busy “sports Mom” to address the need for some sanity in an on-the-go world. We understand the sacrifices that “sports moms” make for their children on a daily basis and strive to make the lives of “sports moms” a little easier.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Guess who's back?

I am the type of person who lives by lists and reminder alarms.  I love crossing things off lists when they are finished. Sometimes I make a list of easy things to do just so I can cross things off.  I also depend heavily on my reminder app on my phone.  It reminds me to do, well everything.

So I have had a reminder to "update blog" on my phone for almost a year now.  Every time it comes up I hit snooze, thinking I will get to it later.  Well later comes and then I snooze again.

Today is the day I stop procrastinating and get it done!

So what has the Goar family been up to?  Riley just started second grade and Denton is in his last year of pre-school and has started the pre-K class.  Riley has been keeping busy with soccer, gymnastics and softball (takes after her mama with the athlete gene) and Denton has just started soccer as well.  Needless to say we have been very busy.  Saturdays are usually full of soccer, and kids birthday parties.

We recently sold our condo and bought a house and are loving having all of the space and a backyard.  Oh and we got two dogs!  Lexie and Louie.  They are chihuahua/mini pinscher mixes and are so adorable. They are brother and sister and look like twins, only one is brown and one is black.  They are the perfect addition to our family.

Aside from all of this Dan and I recently took on a healthier lifestyle.  Through eating right and exercise, Dan lost 30 pounds and has kept it off.  We both drink Shakeology every day which helps maintain weight loss, curb cravings and provide a daily dose of dense nutrition.  We love it.  I have been doing Focus T25 which is an awesome workout by the same trainer as Insanity and I am finally in better shape than I was pre-kids :)  so love it!

So here is our family update, our long long over due update. Next time I won't snooze my reminder for so long!!

Now here are some updated pics of us....

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