The Sacrificial Sports Mom: December 2013

For “sports Moms” with very busy schedules, who find it tough to make time for themselves, The Sacrificial Sports Mom promises to help busy, overloaded moms find time for nutrition, fitness and overall well-being by sharing healthy quick recipes, time management tools and fitness programs handpicked for busy moms.

TSSM is backed by the first-hand experience of a crazy busy “sports Mom” to address the need for some sanity in an on-the-go world. We understand the sacrifices that “sports moms” make for their children on a daily basis and strive to make the lives of “sports moms” a little easier.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Exercising while sick...

Should you do it?  How do you know when to push through or hang up your sneakers?

Here is a great article on exercising while sick

Ask the Expert: Can I Exercise with a Cold?

By Steve Edwards
Shut it down and get some rest.. It will help you get well sooner and it might end up improving your results in the long term.
When you're sick, your body uses its recovery properties to fight the illness. When you exercise, you use these same properties to recover. To your body, trying to exercise when you're sick is effectively the same thing as overtraining. You won't be able to recover from exercise, rendering it useless, as well as increasing the risk of making your illness worse and lengthening your downtime.
Woman Running
Believe it or not, there are actually a couple of upsides to being sick. It both raises your metabolism and heightens your immune response, meaning that you can eat more than normal and not gain weight. Your immune system also releases performance-enhancing hormones that both fight the infection and help you heal microtrauma incurred during your training program. Because of these factors, when I'm sick during a training cycle I consider it my recovery week. Here is my protocol:
At the onset of symptoms I bump my vitamin C and zinc levels, drink a ton of water, and sleep as much as possible. If I catch it early enough, I'll miss the cold. However, your body plays an insidious trick on you at the onset of a cold. Before you feel symptoms, your adrenal system kick-starts the immune response, which often results in a great workout—too good. Prior to a competition, if an athlete sets a personal record or looks too strong, their coach will often shut them down in anticipation of potential pending illness. If a workout feels spectacular out of the blue, consider backing off and adding immune-boosting supplements to your regimen.
Once I know I'm sick, I rest as much as I possibly can. I clear my social schedule, work as little as possible, and shelve any projects (even mental ones) that can wait. My diet becomes very clean. No coffee, alcohol, sugar, junk, and I drink a ton of water. Also, I eat a lot of small meals all day long. Your body needs nutrients when it's sick but doesn't want the energy burden of digesting large meals.
 Woman Doing YogaWhen the cold has turned the corner I begin moving more. I'll do low-level aerobic exercise and light yoga—restorative exercise. I'll build this gradually as I feel better, so that when the symptoms are gone I can hit it hard, right where I left off. When I follow my protocol strictly it will actually aid my fitness program in the long run.
Finally, there are times when you're sick when hard exercise might help, but it's rare. The most common is near the end of a cold, where the infection has run its course but you still have minor symptoms. You might have heard someone say, "I blew the cold out of my system" with exercise. Just be careful you don't try this too early or you'll get worse. Patience may not be your favorite part of training, but sometimes you gotta not do what you gotta not do.

Questions about your workout program, diet, the latest newsletter, or anything wellness related? Check the Team Beachbody Chat Room for the next impromptu video chat. Or, if you just can't wait, log onto the Information & Education section of the Team Beachbody Message Boards for questions, answers, and scintillating conversation.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I am beyond excited to announce the forming of my newest Challenge Group – P90x3!  We will begin Monday January 6 and be there to support and encourage each other for the entire 90 day program.  90 days seems like a long time, but these “P90” programs are so successful for a reason. 

Since P90X3 is not released until December 10th, I am taking pre-registrations now.   Email me at for info on how to pre-register.

For the Challenge group I am recommending the Challenge Pack.
The Challenge Pack is the best of the best deals.  The combination of P90X3 and Shakeology will get you the absolute best results possible, and you receive a LOT more for your money at the same time!  When you purchase the P90X3 Challenge Pack from me you’ll receive the following:

P90X3 Program DVDs
30 Full Shakeology Meal Replacement Shakes
P90X3 Nutrition Guide
90 Day P90X3 Calendar
Free Shipping
30-Day free Club Membership to Beachbody
ME, as your personal Coach!

The P90X3 Challenge Pack, which includes your entire workout program and the best meal replacement- Shakeology , for $205. BUT for a limited time, the Challenge Pack will be available to you for $180! This is an incredible deal considering the price for P90X3 alone will be around $120. You’ll get Shakeology for HALF the price! A $60 savings AND get FREE Shipping & Handling!

Here is what we’ve found out about the workout so far:

THE MUSCLE ACCELERATION SYSTEM • Studies shows that the most dramatic body transformations happen in the first 30 minutes of exercise. • Tony Horton took everything he’s proven with Muscle Confusion™ and Muscle Integration, and tailored new routines to take advantage of this science of shorter workouts. • The MUSCLE ACCELERATION SYSTEM combines a highly-structured schedule with an incredibly high level of intensity and an unprecedented variety of moves that keeps every muscle challenged for the full 30 minutes. • A 90-day extreme fitness program designed to get you ripped in just 30 minutes a day. Each one of the accelerated 30-minute workouts has been uniquely developed to produce the greatest physical change in your body, in the most efficient way.

The 90 Day Program : Three 30-Day Blocks • 16 30-Minute P90X-style workouts • 6 Days a Week • All you need is weights/bands, a way to do chin-ups (**I personally won’t be doing these, but will be using resistance bands to do seated rows instead), and 30 minutes/day. • a fitness guide • 90 day workout calendar to guide you through the 90 days.

 IMPORTANT NOTE – P90X3 is NOT a sequel to P90X or P90X2, nor is it a graduate program. • Users do not have to be in great shape or need to complete P90X or P90X2 in order to do P90X3.

X3 Schedule Choices • CLASSIC – Traditional balance of cardio and resistance, will help you gain muscle and lose fat • LEAN – Designed for those who prefer a more toned look, where you’ll target functionality, mobility and cardio over resistance training • MASS – For those looking for bulk over getting ripped, you will focus on more resistance training, while incorporating a higher caloric intake into your diet • DOUBLES – As Tony would say, this schedule is for workout “psychos” who have the ability to push through two workouts per day.

Watch the promo video below and get inspired!!!!